onsdag 11 februari 2009

Outside in

I´ve become one of those people that puts their clothes outside in.
and not notice it until later...(no I havent reached that level yet)
but maybe I already were one of those. I am used to having different kind of socks on my feet and that don´t disturb me. Just if someone sees it. And if they don´t no one knows.

control control control

when you let go of it. the most strange things happen. You can tell on peoples walk on the town who has it and who grasps for it. I notised a man yesterday. He had his hands closed, and his walk said something about his need of control. But then I started looking at all the people this way. And I think it´s something that shows in all of us. Just more or less.

Some really are controlfreaks, and some just lock their relaxed spirit inside of one.

What if you like things upside down and outside in?
and just not the order that is?
what if you think it´s refreshing?

If you have more trouble thinking inside of the box than outside of it?

but yet...

2 kommentarer:

  1. Söta Anki!
    Spelar väl ingen roll med tröjan, visar att du har viktigare saker att tänka på!

  2. haha nej. jag vet. det var roligt bara tyckte jag. och väckte lite tankar
